

Back Squat 3×8
Front Squat 3×4
*cycle at heavier weight than last week

3 min of planks

AMRAP 20:00
20 Wall Ball
15 HR Push-up
10 Toes to Bar
400m Run


Bench 3×8
Decline push ups 3×8
*cycle these – bench heavier than last week

Ring Dips 3×10

4 Rounds for Time:
20 DB Snatch (alternating)
20 DB Renegade Row (don’t go too heavy here. Try the movement before the workout starts and pick something you can do 10L+10R unbroken when fresh)
60 Double Under


Strict Press 3×8
Push Press 3×8
*cycle heavier than last week

3 Sets for Reps + Cals:
60 sec Row for Cals
30 sec Rest
60 sec Farmer’s Carry Figure 8 (set up cones about 25′ apart and each lap is a rep)
30 sec Rest
60 sec Bike or Ski for Cals
30 sec Rest
60 sec Abmat Sit-up
30 sec Rest


Clean and Jerk 4×4 (heavier than last week)

40 V ups
120 sec L Hangs

4 Sets for Reps:
30 sec DB Squat Clean (50/35#)
30 sec Rest
30 sec Pull-up
30 sec Rest
30 sec DB Goblet Reverse Lunge (use one of the weights from squat clean)
30 sec Rest
30 sec Burpee
30 sec Rest


Deadlift 3×8

Single Leg Deadlift 3×4 (ea. leg)

*cycle these – Deadlift heavier than last week

3×30 sec Mountain Climbers

AMRAP 15:00
200m Run
8 Hang Snatch (95/65)
200m Run
8 Push Press – same load